"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I feel violated.  No, not in a joking haha, "I feel so violated- oooh" way...

I know that the internet is a big, public place & when you put things on the internet (in a blog, for example) you cannot expect that they stay private or that they stay your own.  However, I feel as though I've come to know many of my fellow blogging mommies.  I feel as though there's an unwritten (or maybe it is written somewhere?) rule about taking posts that someone else wrote & copying it for your own.

It's been brought to my attention that one of my followers- generally people I feel strongly about in a positive light- has essentially stolen a post & copied it for her own blog.  This is not a post of humor or in regards to a product... it's not a post full of pictures (Thank God! However, now I know why every picture should have a watermark on it!)  It's the most personal post I've shared thus far to my public, blogging, internet world.  It's the letter to my beautiful baby boy on his first birthday.  That letter is full of my thoughts, my words, my memories.  It was written with my hands.  And it was stolen by someone else's.

Suffice it to say, I'm pretty upset about it.  What am I most upset about?  The fact that this girl took my words & passed them off as her own words to her children.  She is pretending that she wrote this letter to her children, born soon after B.  Her children will grow up & I'm sure someday see this letter that she is claiming she wrote & they'll probably think how lovely it was.  Too bad they'll be wrong.  They'll be wrong because she didn't write it from her heart.  She didn't use her own thoughts.  She essentially copied, pasted, replaced (B's name & stats with those of her children).

I can certainly understand the idea of wanting to write a letter to your child on his or her birthday.  I was most definitely not the first person to come up with the idea.  In fact, I probably read a letter on someone else's blog & thought "hmm, I like that idea. I think I'll write one to B on his birthday."  But for me, that's where the similarities stopped.

What kind of a person not only copies any old blog post, but copies the one that should embody how they feel about their child (or children, in this case)?  What kind of a person then lies about it, when confronted?

I guess she's the kind of a person who cannot think for herself & can't take responsibility for her actions...


Nikki said...

That is horrid! Not to mention unethical! Shame on her!

Nancy said...

What the? I wanna know who it was LOL!

Alisha said...

That's just terrible. Your letter was beautiful and totally from the heart.

Shame Shame Shame.

Brooke said...

AMEN!!!!! If you ever want a little MUSCLE FLEXED...you just let me know! **cracks knuckles**

Perplexio said...

I posted a letter I wrote to my baby back in April-- 1 1/2 months before she was born. Didn't even know what gender she was going to be. I ended up taking it down the same day. Just having it as something special between her and I makes it that much more special.

I'm sorry this happened to you. It sucks. I once showed some poems I'd written to a friend of mine. He showed them to his girlfriend and tried to pass them off as his. On one hand I was flattered, on the other I felt much like you did--violated.

Madison {Life Happens During Naptime} said...

LOL @ Brooke!

I'm sorry Mandy ((HUGS)). At least you know what B reads will be authentic and from the heart.