"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snow Day!

Today was supposed to be B's last day of preschool here in Iowa, but unfortunately it's a snow day.  We're using the term "Snow Day" loosely at this point, as all it's been thus far is rain, but I hear (and see via Facebook) that the snow is coming. I think we said this morning that the weather man might as well just check Facebook for the forecast... what friends in Kansas City said the weather was doing first, has moved through Des Moines, heading to Iowa City, and then it will make it's way to the QC.

I'm really sad though because it was supposed to be the preschool's Christmas program that they'd been working on for a month and I was so excited to see B stand up with his little classmates and sing! Also, he'd been telling me how they were working on a secret project (which he then let slip exactly what it was) and I know he wanted to give it to me... Hopefully I can arrange with his head teacher to see her and give her the gifts we have for her and the other two teachers and get the project.

So instead of running errands and going to school today, we are packing and getting Christmas gifts ready. Christmas cards and birth announcements are also going out today- finally!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

New, New, New

It's looking like a blog revival is going to be necessary in 2013...  I've changed the name of my blog to something a little more relevant, although we're headed back to a big city area & we have a new baby. I still like "Words with the Wallace's" better. More fitting, I think.

Lots of big changes happening & that will be happening in the next couple of weeks. The Hubs started a new job in November in Seattle. Yep, Seattle. That's a crazy commute from Iowa, so we're moving back there in January. He's been out there for different periods of time over the last month & a half.

Speaking of the last month, we have a new baby! He's one month old today! Happy one month birthday Mr. JJ! He's adorable & so calm, most of the time.

The one who started out this blog as Baby B will be turning 4 in a couple weeks. He's been in preschool this past 'semester' & I'm hoping we can find him a new school when we move. It breaks my heart that he's leaving his beloved school, teachers, & friends, but I know he'll enjoy a new school, like new teachers, & make new friends.

So be on the lookout... I'll be slow starting with the holidays, moving, etc., but then I'll be back. After all, now we'll have family looking for these posts!