"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."

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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

So Long January...

Tomorrow is February first... is anyone thinking about doing 28 days of blogging? I'd actually forgotten all about it, but as luck would have it, I remembered this morning! Perfect timing, right? What's also perfect timing is how I'm spending this last week of January and the first week of February doing some minor... or major... changes to our house. Guess what most of my topics will be in the first few days of February? You got it- the changes in the house! I'm pumped! But I better get to work or I'll have no finished products to show tomorrow!

See you in February!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Catching up ... is hard to do.

Can you guys believe the gorgeous weather we're having around the midwest? Seriously, 50 degrees and sunny in January! I for one am loving it... but am also waiting for the snowstorms to hit. Preferably while it's still technically winter. Perhaps this is because I was totally prepared, with snow boots and snow pants for myself- not just B.

I'm working on a Christmas post, as well as little man's 3rd birthday post, but my motivation is severely lacking. Working mom sucks. So does busy at home mom. The busy just never ends, so I'm trying to work around it, but only so many things can get done!

To entice you to check back (as I know, I've been a horrific blogger this past year), here's a shot of the birthday boy himself from this week:

Hmm... also, maybe come February will anyone want to do 28 days of blogging again? Maybe that'll get me into the swing of things again...